Tuesday 7 January 2014



Sunday 24th November - practice filming- we are going to our film locations and practice filming the shots and scenes that we plan to use in our actual filming this is so that if we make a mistake we have time to think about it and make changes if need be so that when our actual filming comes round we know exactly what we want to do so we will be more organised this way we don't waste any time and this means the extras in our film will be happier as we wouldn't have wasted any of their time whilst filming.
Friday 29th November - we are going to film the real thing and because we practiced filming before hand we are able to get it done quicker. we don't need to get the train or car anywhere because we have situated our film in our local area which is within walking distance.
Tuesday 3rd December - we have now got our filming footage and we are now editing the footage and trimming it so that each shot matches until we have a sequence of shots that all make sense with each other (scene)

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