Saturday 18 January 2014

makeup tutorial

this tutorial shows you how you could create a scare, bruise or gash on someone using makeup i looked at this idea and i thought i could do something similar to make the actor in our film playing the dead body look dead so i decided to use gelatin instead as all the materials in this tutorial were too expensive and were not easy to come by where as the gelatin i could easily go down to the super market and buy some. this tutorial gave some ideas on how to do the dead body for our film for example it gave me the idea to use face paints to make our dead body look like he had a black eye and i liked the effect they did down the side of the face so i thought we could try and do something similar but with cheaper materials.

How we did the makeup

how we did the makeup for our media film

we used gelatin to create a fake layer of flesh on the face of the actor playing the dead body, we did this by placing the gelatin in a bowl with hot water  allowing the gelatin to absorb the water so that when the gelatin is placed in the microwave (for 10 seconds) to melt it does not burn. once the gelatin has melted we had to wait a little while for it to cool down so that it would not be runny but instead would be like a gloppy slimy substance which is very sticky; if the substance was too runny it wouldn't stick to the dead persons face instead it would just run of onto the floor. it is important to get the consistency of the gelatin correct; if the gelatin has cooled down too much it will form a solid structure again and won't be able to be placed onto the dead persons face (unless re-heated) and if the gelatin is still really runny then it won't stay on the dead persons face. once the gelatin is at the correct consistency it can be placed onto the dead persons face or any other area which wants to be seen as a cut/scare, the gelatin should be applied using a t-spoon the gelatin should then be left to set on the face but whilst it sets you have to use the back of the t-spoon to grab the sticky gelatin and lift it up this adds the texture to the flesh and also looks like skin has been pulled off. after adding the texture to the gelatin the gelatin should be in a solid form on the face of the dead person by now so the actual makeup can now be added. the first layer of makeup we used was the red as that is the lightest color and can be covered easily by a darker color. next we used blue and red together to form purple which we then added to the create the second layer this made the gelatin then look like flesh with blood underneath also it allowed us to make half of the dead persons face look bruised. lastly we added a tiny amount of black which outlined the gelatin making the flesh stand out more also it  made the gelatin look darker (as blood is not bright red it is normally dark red) also the black made the bruise come alive to make it more realistic. 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Filming diary 3

filming diary 

on 14/12/13 we went to film the final part of our film at 10:30 in the morning till 2:00 in the afternoon and it all went well. before we went to go film the victim (Ashley)  Ashley came round my house to put on the make up at 10:00 it didn't take long, what i did was i used gelatin (soaked it in water for 2 mins then heated it up in the microwave for 10 secs till a gloppy liquid) and applied it to the side of his face that had hit the ground. the good thing about gelatin is that it drys quickly so you don't have to wait a long time for it to set. after the gelatin had set i added face paint to the gelatin. first i added red paint to show blood then i added black to make the face look dirty then i added slightly purple paint to show bruises the end look looked great and realistic. a problem we faced whilst filming is that we had to recreate the background (the crime scene) as we filmed over two different days with more than two weeks difference, the main thing we had to re make in the scene was the police tape and Sam forgot the tape to hold the police tape up so we had to improvise and use a branch which had snapped off a tree and the wind kept pushing the branch down so in the end we had to use a bike to keep the police tape up. at 4:00 we went to the town bridge to film the flash back scene and because we had to show the victim hanging off the bridge i had to hold Ashley up so that he wouldn't fall. it got darker quicker than i thought and we had to stop filming but luckily we think we took enough shots and especially got the important shots done.

Filming diary

filming diary 

so far we have filmed the opening shots of our film and one of the last shots this is because we had to borrow a police vest and we had a limited time to use and film the vest so we filmed all the shots that the vest would be in so we can carry on filming with out the vest another day. we practiced each shot at a different angle with a different method of doing a continuous shot, methods like trying to use a bike to follow the characters as they walk in to the crime scene or using a tripod and holding it by hand trying to keep it steady as the camera follows the characters or maybe just holding the camera on its own seeing which one would be the most steady. as it turns out it was more steady using the tripod because with the bike it was too low and still too bumpy and using the camera with just your hands was too wobbly so the tripod added balance to the camera so we went with that. we couldn't find any police tape to tape off the crime scene so we used electric warning tap and cut it in half so it would only say caution on it and it looked really good it even fooled people walking past to think that it was a real crime scene.



Sunday 24th November - practice filming- we are going to our film locations and practice filming the shots and scenes that we plan to use in our actual filming this is so that if we make a mistake we have time to think about it and make changes if need be so that when our actual filming comes round we know exactly what we want to do so we will be more organised this way we don't waste any time and this means the extras in our film will be happier as we wouldn't have wasted any of their time whilst filming.
Friday 29th November - we are going to film the real thing and because we practiced filming before hand we are able to get it done quicker. we don't need to get the train or car anywhere because we have situated our film in our local area which is within walking distance.
Tuesday 3rd December - we have now got our filming footage and we are now editing the footage and trimming it so that each shot matches until we have a sequence of shots that all make sense with each other (scene)

Film diary 2

film diary 

filming problems 

we ended up not being able to go film part of our film on Friday or Saturday so we ended up filming on Sunday instead we were able to get the first and last shot done it took us a while because we had to try and get it as steady as possible so we were basically doing the same shot over and over again seeing which one was better we found that using a tripod and carrying it backwards because it allowed balance whilst walking backwards so there would be less wobble.

Location for filming

location for filming 

we filmed our film in two locations the first location was the town bridge leading to bridge street this location was used to film the victim falling off the bridge. we thought it would be best to film it when it was dark but we didn't want it to be so dark that you couldn't see the characters so we filmed it at dusk just as the sun was going down however it still was too dark so we are thinking on going back there to re film it at an earlier time. the bridge was perfect because it matched another bridge further down the river however it was smaller so we were able to use certain camera angles to make it seem like the victim is being thrown off the big bridge when actually it is the small bridge. there is part of the bridge that goes over grass and it is low as well so we were able to hold the actor playing the victim up on the edge of the bridge so it seemed like he was hanging on by himself so the small bridge allowed us to give a more realistic effect on the murder of the victim.
the second location which we filmed was underneath the second train bridge by the river mole it is the 3rd bridge down from the town bridge and made a perfect spot for filming where the victim fell as the bricks matched the ones on the town bridge and it is all over grown with graffiti on the walls making it look run down and it just so happened that there was a fence that had fallen down so we decided to use that as an advantage and make it look like the victim landed on it giving the viewer an idea of how high the victim fell from. another reason why under the train bridge was a perfect spot was because it was next to the river this meant that we could include more in our shot when filming the victim holding on to the side of the bridge because the scenery around the two bridges are more or less identical they both have tall trees around them and they both have the river mole under them also the brick work is the same.

Film diary 4

film diary 

on Friday 10/01/14 i am going to be filming/ taking pictures of how i made the make up for the dead body to do this i am using my video camera which can film and take pictures.
at the moment in the lessons we are editing the footage that we have filmed already so that we can see what we need to re-film (if we do need to). in the editing we are cutting the shots down so that they flow smoothly when played (one shot links well with the other) we are also getting rid of bad footage that is either too wobbly or doesn't link well with the other shots around it.