Saturday 15 February 2014

Opening 2 mins of our film

our opening 2 mins of a film 

looking back on how we made our film i think that we could have made some small changes to improve it for example we could have used some background music to add the tension to the film along with the suspense also we could have added a title towards the end but we ran out of time as we were not aloud to go over 2 mins so next time i would cut down the amount of footage so that we could fit in a title and i would also have quiet music in the background just to add the tension ans suspense and if not music then i would have diagetic sound to add effect to the film. i think that looking back on it i would have taken more footage on the day so that i would have had more to play with when editing because i found that some of the shots had bad continuity but because of the flooding we were unable to go back down the river and film so we had to make do with what we had.

Friday 14 February 2014

story board animatic

we combined the story board and the script to produce a series of images playing what we expected our film to turn out/ what we wanted our film to turn out, we did in the end make some small changes for example we took out some unneeded shots which saved time but we also added in some shots to make the scene better. the story board animatic allowed us to see where we could change certain aspects of the film with out having to waste time going out and filming it. 

Actor interviews

actor interviews

what is your favourite drama film?
 Albert: prince avalanche 
Ashley: Shaw shank redemption
Thomas: pursuit of happiness 
Sam: Shaw shank redemption
Luke: Shaw shank redemption 
what is your favourite action film?
Albert: sky fall 
Thomas: sky fall
Luke: the dark knight
Sam: sky fall 
Ashley: the expendables 
what is your favourite sci-fi film?
Luke: star trek into darkness 
Albert: moon gravity 
Thomas: serenity 
Ashley: star wars
Sam: aliens vs predators 
what is your favourite comedy film?
Luke: Shaun of the dead 
Albert: 21 jump street 
Thomas: this is the end 
Sam: hot fuzz
Ashley: 21 jump street 
what is your favourite adventure film?
Luke: Indiana Jones last crusade 
Thomas: inception
Albert: 3:10 to Yuma
Sam: the hobbit 
Ashley: the hobbit 
what is your favourite thriller?
Albert: oceans eleven 
Sam: shutter island 
Luke: taken 
Ashley: saw
Thomas: oceans eleven 
what is your favourite genre?
Luke: action 
Thomas: action
Albert: crime
Sam: crime 
Ashley: horror 
who is your favourite male actor?
Luke: Harrison ford
Albert: heath ledger 
Thomas: idris Elba
Sam: Leonardo DiCaprio 
Ashley: Morgan freeman 
who is your favourite female actor?
Albert: Maggie gyllenhaal
Thomas: Maggie gyllenhaal 
Luke: Angelina Jolie
Sam: Cameron diaz 
Ashley: Maggie smith 
who is your favourite director?
Luke: Steven Spielberg 
Thomas: Christopher Nolan
Albert: Christopher Nolan 
Ashley: George Lucas 
Sam: frank darabont 

Story board

 story board 

we created a story board to see how we were going to film out the opening 2 mins of our film by practising what different types of shots we should use, it was basically used to save time when filming as we would know exactly what shots we wanted. it was also a really easy way to see what shots were good and effective and what shots were bad and we had no need for in the film. we changed some aspects of the film as we went along as we felt that we needed to adjust the story line a bit however the idea stayed mainly the same also on the day we filmed we found ways to do some excellent shots that we wouldn't normally have been able to do but thanks to the location we were able to get in a good variety of shots for example the opening shot we were only able to do because there was a path leading up to the top of a mound which gave the viewer the feeling that they are higher than they actually were it also enabled us to do a range of different shots from a birds eye view to a high angle long shot. even though we made some changes to the shots we wanted in our film we kept most of them the same this was because they were already thought out and planned and it was just easier to use them and they went really well with the flow of the film. 

Film script

film script