Friday 14 February 2014

Actor interviews

actor interviews

what is your favourite drama film?
 Albert: prince avalanche 
Ashley: Shaw shank redemption
Thomas: pursuit of happiness 
Sam: Shaw shank redemption
Luke: Shaw shank redemption 
what is your favourite action film?
Albert: sky fall 
Thomas: sky fall
Luke: the dark knight
Sam: sky fall 
Ashley: the expendables 
what is your favourite sci-fi film?
Luke: star trek into darkness 
Albert: moon gravity 
Thomas: serenity 
Ashley: star wars
Sam: aliens vs predators 
what is your favourite comedy film?
Luke: Shaun of the dead 
Albert: 21 jump street 
Thomas: this is the end 
Sam: hot fuzz
Ashley: 21 jump street 
what is your favourite adventure film?
Luke: Indiana Jones last crusade 
Thomas: inception
Albert: 3:10 to Yuma
Sam: the hobbit 
Ashley: the hobbit 
what is your favourite thriller?
Albert: oceans eleven 
Sam: shutter island 
Luke: taken 
Ashley: saw
Thomas: oceans eleven 
what is your favourite genre?
Luke: action 
Thomas: action
Albert: crime
Sam: crime 
Ashley: horror 
who is your favourite male actor?
Luke: Harrison ford
Albert: heath ledger 
Thomas: idris Elba
Sam: Leonardo DiCaprio 
Ashley: Morgan freeman 
who is your favourite female actor?
Albert: Maggie gyllenhaal
Thomas: Maggie gyllenhaal 
Luke: Angelina Jolie
Sam: Cameron diaz 
Ashley: Maggie smith 
who is your favourite director?
Luke: Steven Spielberg 
Thomas: Christopher Nolan
Albert: Christopher Nolan 
Ashley: George Lucas 
Sam: frank darabont 

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