Friday 29 November 2013

Film production company's

film production company's  

Warner bros pictures is one of the major film studios. the name honors the 4 founders of the company which was founded in 1903. in 1925 they added sound,color and style to their films one of the brothers quoted "who the heck would want to hear actors talk". in 1930 they started to produce cartoons which is where Disney mickey mouse started. Warner bros pictures have created alot of good films which have made alot of money for example harry potter.

lucasfilm company was founded by George Lucas who created star wars and Indiana Jones however George Lucas sold the rights to star wars to Disney. lucasfilm has produced many great films that have gone on to make alot of money for example: american graffiti, willow, tucker, Indiana Jones trilogy and star wars trilogy.    

universal studios was founded in 1912 by Carl laemmle, mark dintenfass, Charles baumann, Adam kessel, pat powers, William Swanson, David horsley and Jules brulatour. universal studios have produced many films and some of them are: hulk, johnny English, Bruce almighty, the purge, robin hood and many more.

Walt Disney pictures got its name in 1983 it is part of Walt Disney studios company and is considered on of the big six in Hollywood (meaning big six film production company's ) Disney have produced many great films for all audiences but their main target audience is children some of the films that they have produced are: dumbo, Bambi, Cinderella, treasure island and toy story 1/2/3.

Thursday 28 November 2013



George Lucas is most famously known for directing star war and has gone on to create a trilogy of star wars (6 films) which all have made a lot of money. usually when he wants to change scenes he uses a fade out fade in shot which is when one shot fades out of one location and a second shot then fades in to a new location. George Lucas invested in lucasfilm limited and became the chairman and chef executive before selling lucasfilm limited to Disney, he is also an entrepreneur. George Lucas also created Indiana Jones which is another successful film that made alot of money and became a trilogy as well.  

James Cameron is most famously known for directing,producing and writing titanic which was a true story and made record sales James Cameron also put some of his own money in to the film which went towards the budget of the film. James Cameron also directed and written avatar which also was a record breaking film which had millions of sales. James Cameron made alot of great films which made alot of money, some of these films our: titanic,avatar,terminator,terminator judgement day,aliens and Rambo first blood part 2.

Steven Spielberg is one of the worlds greatest directors of all time he created Jurassic park,jaws,war horse,Lincoln,E.T,saving private Ryan,the adventures of tin tin and many many more all of his films have made alot of money and have had alot of sales. he also has written some of his films as well as directing them he has made alot of success and even when he had a really low budget he managed to create a really thrilling chase scene (duel).

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Film title

film title

our title is called the case. straight away the audience can see that our film is a crime thriller this is because by reading the title they automatically link the word case with detectives which links to crime and they understand that it is a thriller because of the font style which is in the middle of horror and crime which gives a kind of psycho appearance of the film towards the audience. we wanted to use this kind of style because it clearly shows what genre our film is and it is kind of a window in to what our film is about for the audience because it shows the audience that our film is going to include blood and violent scenes this also prepares the audience for the film which will raise the tension of the opening scene; the audience our thinking about what is going to be in the film which gets them worried. our title is similar to other crime films because most crime films have thin text so this also allows the audience to recognize the font as crime also most thrillers have a kind of scratched/scribbled text that gives off a kind of psycho vibe towards the audience this is similar as our title so the audience can also recognize our title/film as a thriller (crime thriller)


Monday 25 November 2013


in this shot the audience can clearly see that the main character is not like the other detective nor the policeman he has his own unique look about him which makes him rememberable to the audience, the clothing that does this is the cigarette in his hand and his jumper over his shirt this is not the typical look for a detective which makes him stand out to the viewers eye at the same time he looks smart because just like the other detective he too is wearing a wight shirt and a suit it just is covered by a sweater which makes him stand out but at the same time be smartly dressed.
in this shot you can see me dressed in a hoodie and jeans this is the stereotypical clothing of a teenager and as i am meant to be a witness in the film i am meant to be wearing casual clothing this makes the viewer realise that i am not part of the police and i am just a normal person.

in this shot you can see we added makeup to the actors face so that he would look like he had actually fallen off a bridge. this character was like me meant to look like an average person but unlike me he was meant to look older and with more money that is why we put him in a shirt and not a hoodie like me, the shirt shows the viewer not just it he older but richer too the stereo type for rich men is that there all ways were shirts and that was exactly what we wanted to show the viewer. 
we put the dead person in jeans so that again he would look more casual it also shows the viewer that he wasn't going to some where formal and again it shows that he is rich as rich people generally stereotypically wear jeans with a shirt, this makes the viewer think that he looks like an average normal guy, it brings up a lot of questions and gets the viewer interested in whats going to happen and where it could lead to in the story line of the film. 

as you can see in this shot one of our main characters who is meant to be one of the detectives is wearing a suit this shows the audience that he is not just an everyday cop as the audience has previously seen what the everyday cop looks like, this makes the audience think he is a professional and he knows what he is doing it also shows the audience that he is a higher rank and has more authority over other policeman.

Sound research

sound research

we are planning on using a software on the computer which allows us to create the precise sound we need for our film this way it is not copy right and it is our very own music that we created. there are different types of software that allows us to create our own music however not all of them give us the full independence we need to create our own music. one of the software's that we considered was e-jay dance 3 this software allows us to easily create a sequence of music however it only lets us create a sequence using the beats and rhythm that the software gives us this wasn't good we couldn't find a good sound that would go with the film so we decided to try and find another software which would allow us to create the sound we wanted. after a long search we found a website on the internet which would allows us to create music like e-jay dance 3 however you could change the pitch and the volume of the music however like e-jay dance 3 it didn't allow us to create the sound we wanted so we went to music and asked about how we could create our sound and we were told about a software which would allow us to specifically allow us to create a sequence of music using different instruments and change the pitch and volume of the music but unlike e-jay dance 3 and the website the software allows us to control the pace of the music so we can control how fast we want it which is perfect for when we have a chase scene. we wanted to have a sound in the background when a chase scene occurs so that it would make the audience get excited and interested in the film so we decided to have a fast beat snare from the software and because we can control the pace of the music this was possible.

Target audience

 target audience 

our target audience is going to be young adults and top teens this is because most of them would have a full time job so they would have more money to spend on the cinema however because they have full time jobs they wont have alot of time to go out and go to the cinema because they are doing there jobs this is why we are also targeting young teens because they will have a part time job so they will have more time for the cinema and they can afford it as well. we are going to make our film appeal to the target audience by including blood and gore in our film also we are going to have a mystery murder case that needs solving which appeals to the older audiences (young adults) because they enjoy watching films like crime films that are complicated in a web of different mystery's and they try to figure it out along with the detective in the film. top teens will enjoy seeing all the blood and gore which is included in our film because the like to see things that look disgusting because it interests them and like the adults they also enjoy trying to solve the mystery themselves along with the detective. we are going to appeal to our target audience by having the victim that has been murdered by being chucked off a bridge having his hand chopped off by an ax which has been left on the scene however his hand is not this way both top teens and young adults are both happy because there is blood and gore which is the hand being chopped off and then there is the mystery of where did the hand go? and why did they have their hand chopped off? this gets the target audience interested in the film and they both enjoy it. our target audience will mostly be men because most men have a stronger stomach than women however women can go and see the film as well.

Crime research

crime research 

in a crime film there is usually a good guy and a bad guy, the good guy is usually a cop or a detective which is his job to catch the bad guy even if it means going against the rules to catch the bad guy this makes the audience warm more towards the good cop than the bad guy which is what the director wants. in a crime film there is usually a crime scene in which a victim who has been murdered lye's dead detectives and cops examine and check the body for clues to who murdered the victim. the victim is normally killed by te bad guy but it starts off as a mystery as to who killed him/her because as far as the audience knows the victim could have committed suicide or the good cop him/her self could have killed the victim. when investigating a crime scene there is normally tiny clues indicating what happened and eventually leading to the killer like a trail of bread crumbs this is what a viewer looks for in a crime film. the typical audience for a crime film is adults young and old and some teens this is because most crime films contain blood, gore and bad language which is not suitable for young audiences so the film is rated 15 or 18 depending on the content. the typical scenery  of a crime film is usually a crime scene which normally is in a woods or back alley something that looks run down and dirty this makes the killer look like a negative character in the eyes of the audience this is because it makes the killer seem along the lines of  a poor drug addict and not a professional killer. the typical bad guy in a crime  is usually a bloke who murdered a women the killer normally dresses in dark clothes and something like a hat to cover his face this creates a mystery with the audience because the audience want to know who the killer is.

Costume research

costume research 

we are planning on using a police vest so that the audience can identify that the film scene is a crime scene with police also it gives the viewer a realistic feel towards the film.

we are planning to buy a suit similar to the forensic suit which gives the impression to the viewer that the film is realistic also it tells the viewer that the police are investigating a murder mystery and they are taking it seriously.

I am going to play a witness and for this I am going to need to wear casual clothes which I decided is going to be a blue hood and jeans. this will give the viewer the impression that I am a normal person the same as them and that will get the audience to trust the witness and feel sorry for him.

we are thinking about putting the main character which is a detective in a suit so that the audience can separate the main character from the rest of the characters also it shows the audience a level of professionalism and it shows the detective is good at what he does.

Friday 22 November 2013

Film ideas

film ideas

Film age rating

film age rating

Universal - all ages are allowed to view the film because there is nothing unsuitable for children 

Parental Guidance - all ages are allowed to view the film however there are certain scenes or images that are not suitable for children this could be mentioning sex/drugs and it may contain mild language.

 12A - this means that the film is not suitable for very young ages. ages from 12 and under as long as accompanied by an adult (18+). things under this category can be mature themes for example discrimination, soft drugs, sex references and nudity.

12 - this category is basically the same as 12A however it means that no one under 12 can rent or buy the DVD or video 

15 - only those over 15 are allowed to view the film no one under 15 is allowed to rent or buy the film. films in this category can have hard drugs, constant strong language, strong violence and strong sex reference's also nudity with out graphic detail.

our film will probably be rated 15 this will be because it will contain strong violence and slightly strong language also by making our film rated 15 it will allow us to widen our range of audience to top teens and young/old adults. however by making it 15 it limits the amount of blood we can include in our film.

18 - only adults are allowed to view the film (18+) this includes renting or buying the DVD or video. films under this category have no limitations on bad language or drugs, very strong gory and sadistic violence is usually permitted. 

we might make our film an 18 rated film this would mainly be because we could then include more violence and gore than we would normally be allowed with a 15 rated film however it limits our range of audience to young - old adults when it would mainly be teenagers which will want to see the film.


You need to revisit your posts about film openings and make more comments on mise en scene, sound, titles, character, genre, lighting, camera work and editing. You need to evidence more of your planning - interviews with actors, schedules, storyboarding and scripting. You need to have chosen some title font to use and expalined your choices for music. You need to push yourself between now and the end of term, when all of the filming must have been done, to earn as many marks as possible.

Mood board

mood board

our film is going to be a crime thriller this is because included in our film there is going be two detectives looking into a murder which is a victim that has been pushed off a bridge next to a river the victim was murdered for a case which is full of money. in the mood board this picture of the bridge is to resemble the bridge in our film which the victim falls off also the river in which the bridge goes over resembles the river which will be next to where the victim has been murdered ( the crime scene) the picture of the detectives examining a crime scene resembles the two detectives which examine the victims body in our opening 2 minute film, the case full of money reassembles the case in the film which the murderer killed the victim for, the money in the case is to show that the object/objects in the case are priceless/expensive and is worth a man's life. in our film we are going to use a variety of different props to help give a realistic spin towards the audience watching our opening film these props can be big or small for example we are going to use a simple case which will in the film seem to be full of something worth alot another prop we could use is police tape this would give the viewer the impression that its a crime scene and that the dead body has been found and is under examination by the detectives. 

Thursday 21 November 2013

Location research

location research 

we changed the location of our film because we thought that our original location of our film was too far away and if we wanted to re-shoot a shot or scene then it would take too long for this reason we decided to film in the local area which just so happened to have a suitable bridge to fall off from and a suitable bridge to appear as a high bridge that the victim falls off we could also use the bridge next to one of the bridges to achieve a high angle long shot of the victim and detectives. one problem that could arise whilst filming could be the road next to one of our scenes this could produce sounds of cars passing and this might mean that the audience cant hear what the characters are saying, another problem could be that because the crime scene is on a public footpath people out for runs or walking there dogs may need/want to get past this may force us to take longer filming then it would normally. we are going to use the camera angle to make the victim appear as if he is falling off the high bridge when actually he is falling of the town bridge which isn't high this means that the actor playing the victim will be safe when falling off the bridge and the viewer will think that the victim has fallen off the high bridge. originally our location was 30 mins away and we realised it would take to long to get there if we wanted to re shoot a bit of footage even the tiniest bit so we decided to go for a location in our local area. in the crime scene there is alot of over grown plants and shrubs this gives the viewer the impression that they are in the country and that it is normally a dark and dim place.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Our film age rating

our film age rating 

our film will be rated an 18 this would be because included in our film is going to be blood gore and probably swearing also violence because of this it is not suitable for younger audiences. an actual film is usually rated by the British board of film classification they would rate it on their opinion of whether the film contains too much violence,blood,gore or bad language. the image of age rated 18 would appeal to young adults and top teens this is because they feel like it contains a lot of violence,blood or gore which is one of the many reasons why they went to see the film.
in our film we are going to have a dead corpse with his hand cut of along with a lot of blood, cuts and bruises and it may have swearing in it but not much this altogether rates 18 so young audiences (around 10) are protected from the violence and gore so that they wont have nightmares.

our film could also be a 15 this would be because there would only be a small amount of blood and we could try to avoid swearing in our script also keep the violent scenes down to a minimum this would mean that we can widen our range of audience to low teens as well as high teens and young/old adults also it would mean more people that dislike blood and gore would be more inclined to see the film as it would have less blood and gore

Typical crime title

typical crime title 

a typical crime title is usually in capital letters for effect and Arial style. the crime titles use to be like the robo cop title bold and big but now the crime titles are usually smaller, this would be because the smaller and more plane the title is the more tension it builds up with the viewer. in the past when the titles of crime were big and bold this would normally be because  they wanted the title to emphasize the story and grab the viewers attention. choosing a title for our film would mostly depend on what our films story is about in our case we would choose the modern more plane title because it would build up the tension more which is good for grabbing the audiences attention also it would give off more of a mystery towards the audience this is important because most crime films have alot of mystery hidden inside the film and as we want to make the opening of a crime we will need to have that mystery effect.
again the dark knight title is plane like the inception title this is because the dark knight also wants to include the mystery and suspicion with the audience. the dark knight title has a black background and white text this is to show the audience that the character that the film is about is good out to destroy evil we could use something similar in our title to show the audience a little bit about a character with out them even knowing.
you can see the difference quite easily in genre because the A-team which is an action film has bolder titles and has more bright colors than a crime this would be because action films want to seem like they are exploding giving off a vibe towards the audience that it is a awesome fast pace film where as crime genres dont want to give that vibe off they want to give the vibe of mystery off towards the audience.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

DREDD research

DREDD target audience reasearch

this pie chart shows that the most typical gender which views crime thrillers is male however it also shows that female viewers see crime thrillers as well but not as much as the male viewers.
this pie chart shows that the typical age group for the crime thriller genre is 15-24 this shows that most people how watch crime thrillers are aged between 15-24 i would think that they would be 18-24 because most crime thrillers are rated 18 and so teenagers 17-15 wouldn't be able to watch the film.
this pie chart shows that most people who go to watch crime thrillers in the cinema are medium class then second most would be higher class this is because medium and higher class has more money to waist going to see films in the cinema than lower class citizens.

LAWLESS research

LAWLESS  target audience research




  this pie chart shows that the crime genres tickets are mostly brought by middle-higher class people this would probably be because the lower class cant afford the tickets or the crime genre doesn't appeal to them as much as it does towards the higher/medium class.

  this pie chart shows that the typical gender that views crime genres is male viewers however there is a small percentage of female viewers this shows that the crime genre can be for female and male viewers but it is mostly males viewers that go to the cinema and watch crime films

this pie chart shows that the most typical age group that views crime genres is 25-34 year old this is probably because they are old enough to view the blood, gore and dead body's which teenagers wouldn't be able to view because the film would be rated 18 so most of the viewers will be 25-34 



the questionnaire helps us to identify who our target audience is and what we have to include in the film to appeal to certain people for example if we wanted to target towards male audiences then we could add a fast pace chase scene in our film for the male audiences. 

Preliminary task

preliminary task
next time we could edit the footage longer instead of shorter because i think that we may have done it too short so that the two shots do not link to each other and therefore doesn't make any sense to the viewer, we could do this by trimming each shot less so that the shots would be better linked to one another.

the preliminary task was to show an example of a shot reverse shot, match on action and the continuity line we did this by using a matching shot of me on one side of the door opening it and then a second shot of me actually coming through the door this makes the viewer aware that i have just walked through the door where as with just one shot of me opening the door the viewer doesn't actually know that i have gone through the door which doesn't make sense so you need two shots linking to one another.
we used the shot reverse shot by taking one shot of me talking then did a second shot to the person who i was talking to this means the viewer thinks that who is in the second shot is the person im talking to. we used a sequence of speeches  to help us use the continuity line every time someone talked the camera changed to a shot of them but didn't cross the continuity line making look like to the viewer that i am talking to someone.

What is your current employment status?

what is your current employment status?

this pie chart shows that most people who we asked are fully employed and a small amount of people are unemployed. the amount of people who are part time employed and the amount of people that are students is the same this would suggest that the typical age of the audience is around 15-19 teens.

What do you think is in a crime thriller!

what do you think is in a crime thriller?

half of the people that we asked agreed that the most typical thing you can expect from a crime thriller would be murder this shows what we need/ should include in our opening 2 mins of our crime thriller.

What are your religious beliefs?

what are your religious beliefs?

this pie chart shows that most people that we asked are not religious and that not many people  were Muslim  

How old are you?

 how old are you?

most people we asked how old they are? they were 11- 20 but equally the same amount of people said that they were 21-30 this shows the most popular age group for a crime thriller would be between 11-30 years of age

What are your interests?

what are your interests?

most of the people we asked said that their interests were films this shows that the people who watch crimes normally enjoy their films.