Tuesday 5 November 2013

Typical horror film

typical horror film 

in a typical horror film there is usually a teenage girl found in distress. whenever there is a teenager in a horror film it is usually ineviterble that the teenager will get killed. generally in a horror film there is slow camera movement slowing the film down, the camera shots are usually medium or long shots because it gives the audience distance from the film so the tension is not to high that the audience would lose interest in the film all together. usually in a horror there is normally something creepy in the background slowly creeping up to the main character or the helpless person who has no idea that something is about to happen. in a horror film there it is usually dark so that the viewer feels like there is something in the dark waiting to jump out (this adds tension to a horror film).
the typical viewer of a horror film usually is teenagers of both genders, a horror film appeals to teenagers by puting the innocent victims in the film as teenagers so the target audience can relate to the film and allows them to be able to relate to the horror film which is more scary because they can relate to it in there actual lives. you can get audiences other than teenagers and the horror film can apeal to them by using blood a gore to make the horror seem real. usually in a horror film the victim usually isnt the favrouit of the audience and actual fact the audience dosent like them this is so the viewer dosent think to much over the death of the victim and can stay focused on the main character which in the end will survive or maybe for a cliff hanger die. when something happens in a horror film it is usually a medium shot whilst the dramatic event happens this is so the viewer can be close enough to the action that they get scared (the tension is high) however they are far enough away that they can distance themselves from the film and take a break from the film if the horror is to much, by using a close up in a horror it raises the tension alot because you can see the horrific expressions on his or her face which gives the viewer an idea of what is about to happen the close up is usually just before the dramatic scene or just after thiskeeps the viewer glued to the screen and focused on the film. in a horror the non-diagetic sound in the background is usually quiet and creeps up on the viewer when something dramatic happens, because the non-diagetic sound is so quiet normally the diagetic sound is enhanced to give more emphasis for the film.

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