Thursday 21 November 2013

Location research

location research 

we changed the location of our film because we thought that our original location of our film was too far away and if we wanted to re-shoot a shot or scene then it would take too long for this reason we decided to film in the local area which just so happened to have a suitable bridge to fall off from and a suitable bridge to appear as a high bridge that the victim falls off we could also use the bridge next to one of the bridges to achieve a high angle long shot of the victim and detectives. one problem that could arise whilst filming could be the road next to one of our scenes this could produce sounds of cars passing and this might mean that the audience cant hear what the characters are saying, another problem could be that because the crime scene is on a public footpath people out for runs or walking there dogs may need/want to get past this may force us to take longer filming then it would normally. we are going to use the camera angle to make the victim appear as if he is falling off the high bridge when actually he is falling of the town bridge which isn't high this means that the actor playing the victim will be safe when falling off the bridge and the viewer will think that the victim has fallen off the high bridge. originally our location was 30 mins away and we realised it would take to long to get there if we wanted to re shoot a bit of footage even the tiniest bit so we decided to go for a location in our local area. in the crime scene there is alot of over grown plants and shrubs this gives the viewer the impression that they are in the country and that it is normally a dark and dim place.

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