Tuesday 19 November 2013

Preliminary task

preliminary task

next time we could edit the footage longer instead of shorter because i think that we may have done it too short so that the two shots do not link to each other and therefore doesn't make any sense to the viewer, we could do this by trimming each shot less so that the shots would be better linked to one another.

the preliminary task was to show an example of a shot reverse shot, match on action and the continuity line we did this by using a matching shot of me on one side of the door opening it and then a second shot of me actually coming through the door this makes the viewer aware that i have just walked through the door where as with just one shot of me opening the door the viewer doesn't actually know that i have gone through the door which doesn't make sense so you need two shots linking to one another.
we used the shot reverse shot by taking one shot of me talking then did a second shot to the person who i was talking to this means the viewer thinks that who is in the second shot is the person im talking to. we used a sequence of speeches  to help us use the continuity line every time someone talked the camera changed to a shot of them but didn't cross the continuity line making look like to the viewer that i am talking to someone.

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