Monday 25 November 2013


in this shot the audience can clearly see that the main character is not like the other detective nor the policeman he has his own unique look about him which makes him rememberable to the audience, the clothing that does this is the cigarette in his hand and his jumper over his shirt this is not the typical look for a detective which makes him stand out to the viewers eye at the same time he looks smart because just like the other detective he too is wearing a wight shirt and a suit it just is covered by a sweater which makes him stand out but at the same time be smartly dressed.
in this shot you can see me dressed in a hoodie and jeans this is the stereotypical clothing of a teenager and as i am meant to be a witness in the film i am meant to be wearing casual clothing this makes the viewer realise that i am not part of the police and i am just a normal person.

in this shot you can see we added makeup to the actors face so that he would look like he had actually fallen off a bridge. this character was like me meant to look like an average person but unlike me he was meant to look older and with more money that is why we put him in a shirt and not a hoodie like me, the shirt shows the viewer not just it he older but richer too the stereo type for rich men is that there all ways were shirts and that was exactly what we wanted to show the viewer. 
we put the dead person in jeans so that again he would look more casual it also shows the viewer that he wasn't going to some where formal and again it shows that he is rich as rich people generally stereotypically wear jeans with a shirt, this makes the viewer think that he looks like an average normal guy, it brings up a lot of questions and gets the viewer interested in whats going to happen and where it could lead to in the story line of the film. 

as you can see in this shot one of our main characters who is meant to be one of the detectives is wearing a suit this shows the audience that he is not just an everyday cop as the audience has previously seen what the everyday cop looks like, this makes the audience think he is a professional and he knows what he is doing it also shows the audience that he is a higher rank and has more authority over other policeman.

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