Tuesday 19 November 2013

LAWLESS research

LAWLESS  target audience research




  this pie chart shows that the crime genres tickets are mostly brought by middle-higher class people this would probably be because the lower class cant afford the tickets or the crime genre doesn't appeal to them as much as it does towards the higher/medium class.

  this pie chart shows that the typical gender that views crime genres is male viewers however there is a small percentage of female viewers this shows that the crime genre can be for female and male viewers but it is mostly males viewers that go to the cinema and watch crime films

this pie chart shows that the most typical age group that views crime genres is 25-34 year old this is probably because they are old enough to view the blood, gore and dead body's which teenagers wouldn't be able to view because the film would be rated 18 so most of the viewers will be 25-34 

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