Saturday 7 December 2013



dredd is a action/science fiction film. At the opening 2 mins of the film it concentrates most of the shots on the scene of where the film is supposedly based this makes the viewer aware of what is going on in the scene they have done this by using extreme long shots panning around the city viewing the mega blocks so that the viewer knows straight away what the area where the film is based is like. During the opening 2 mins of the film there is the occasional close up of one character on parts of his body (e.g. shoulder) whilst this character talks this give the viewer the impression that he is the main character of the film and he also is the hero of the film not the bad guy or the evil villain. The light is coming in from the right hand side lighting up the mega blocks which highlights the mega blocks from the rest of the scene which catches the viewers eye and keeps the focus on the mega block, showing that the director wants to show the viewer something which will give the viewer information about the film which also keeps them glued to the screen constantly watching the footage. in the opening the camera shows a lot of buildings which suggests to the audience that it is being filmed in a city the gigantic feel you get from the building with tiny building in the background suggests to the audience that it is based in the future because you don't see gigantic buildings like that in present city's this give the viewer an alien feel towards the film which makes them think that it is science fiction. in the opening sequence the viewer sees parts of the main character, the viewer can tell he is the main character because the camera shots have been edited so that the opening sequence keeps referring back to the part of that person suggesting that he is the main character.
the first shot the viewer sees is a extreme long shot of the city being lighted up by the sun this shows the viewer what the area is like and where the film is based it also shows the audience the barren waste land outside of the city giving them an idea of what it is like. most of the shots that were used in the opening of the film were long shots showing the city and the residents inside it this gave the viewer an understanding of what the areas in the city are like for example there were riots shown this shows the viewer that some parts of the city are not safe.
most of the clothing the sub characters were wearing were just like the clothing we wear today allowing the viewer to relate to the film, this frightens the viewer and makes them think that this is what their world will come to. some of the characters appeared to be wearing rags compared to others this suggests that the people rioting are poor and they are taking it out on the rich. there are police wearing riot shields and Armour just like in modern society today which also allows the audience to relate and make them think of the rioting in London or some other rioting this also gets the viewer interested but scared at the same time. whilst the opening sequence continues there are short bursts of medium to close up shots of a character which suggests to the audience that he is the guy who is speaking which goes on to suggest that he is the main character. the clothing he is wearing is better than what the rioting police are wearing this suggests he is not your average policeman it also suggests that he is a higher rank and therefore has better gear than the riot control police.
the sound is mostly non diagetic in the opening of the film the most dominant sound is of the main character talking this shows that he is the main character the audience can tell this because whilst the shots being showed included a range of locations the sequence of shots kept going back to this one character whilst the non diagetic sound of him talking was on suggesting to the audience that he is the main character. whilst the opening sequence continued as well as the main characters voice there was background music to add to the tension of the film it also made the voice of the main character seem more serious towards the audience making them glued to the screen wanting to know what happens next.
in the opening sequences of shots there was an extreme close up on the main characters gun, the director did this on purpose because he wanted the audience to know even though it seems similar to our time there technology in the film was far more advanced allowing the audience a sigh of relief before the film title comes up, the director also showed the gun so that the viewer new that the main character had a gun and that it needed a specific DNA code to hold the gun preparing the audience for what will happen later on in the film. when they finally showed the main character from a long shot so the audience could see what he looked like the scene was dark with light coming into the scene from above shinning off his helmet allowing only the outlines of the main character to be shown keeping the suspense with the audience. when the film title finally came up it was designed to make the viewer jump as the music became really loud and the title took the viewer by surprise as the director on purpose got rid of the suspense and tension to allow the viewer to relax before scaring them.

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