Saturday 7 December 2013



the opening to troy clearly shows the audience who is the main character and what is going on. this has been done by keeping the warrior in the centre of the shot and in the background there is two huge armies suggesting that there is a war going on. the audience sees that the two armies are not fighting and only two warriors from the two armies (one warrior from each army) are fighting the audience assumes that they are battling to decide who wins (too avoid the thousands of soldiers dyeing). out of the two warriors on is huge and the other is small and the audience start to become worried for the main character as they think he is fighting against the odds but when the main character beats the huge warrior the viewer is amazed and becomes relaxed whilst being impressed. near the end there is a wide close up of two warriors in the other army and the close up shows that there expressions of how they feel seeing there huge warrior be destroyed which is scared but at the same time impressed, because the camera focuses on them after the fight which suggests to the viewer that they are the leaders or high command of the army (the king), they do not wear helmets showing to everyone that they have no fear it also shows the audience that they are different to the rest of the army as everyone else has a helmet on apart from them. in the beginning of the opening there is a wide shot used which sets the scene for the audience showing the size of there armies making the audience nervous. the huge warrior is wearing no protective Armour showing everyone (the audience) that he has no need for Armour and he is brave enough not to wear Armour where as the other warrior is wearing alot more Armour and has a shield which helps him out to stop a spear. the first shot the viewer sees is a medium shot of the small warrior running towards the huge warrior, because of the medium close up shot  the viewer can see the warriors expression as he is running and it looks like the warrior is angry at something and is about to take it out on the huge warrior.
troy is a romance/history/adventure film it is aimed at male audiences due to all the fighting but it can be aimed towards the female audiences because of all the romance in it the age targeted by the film is young and old adults as they understand what is happening in the film because they know the story's of troy where as the younger audiences would get board watching the film as they would not fully understand what is going on in the film.
almost every shot used was a medium shot this is because the director wanted a consistent flow of shots also he didn't want the viewer to concentrate on anything else but the two men fighting, the director didn't use too many different shots because he wanted the audience to see how easy it was for one of the men to kill the other keeping the fight really simple and plain. the director used diagetic sound whilst the fight was going on this made the viewer feel apart of the film also it also allowed the viewer to see how both army's were dead quite at the suspense of who was going to win the fight. the lighting used in the film was natural lighting from the sun this gave the viewer a sense of how hot it was in the film making the viewer feel more and more like they are in the film.

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