Saturday 7 December 2013

Iron man

iron man 

iron man is a action adventure film. straight away the audience can tell who is the main character this is because the camera keeps the main character in the centre of the shot in all of the shots of him this makes the viewer think that the hole storyline is based around him. in the background the audience can hear music being played which gives the sense that it is being played through a radio, the music tells the audience that the film is an action film and the fact that the main character is travelling in a army vehicle with army men escorting him shows the audience that the film is an adventure and the fact that the character is being escorted shows that he is the main character in the film.
the opening scene starts of directly in the action so the audience are interested in the film before it has started and it will keep them glued to the film. the main character bosses the other characters around him (the soldiers) this shows the audience that he is not under arrest but being protected which intern also shows that he is important and maybe powerful (rich).
the target audience for iron man is teenage audiences and young adults but however older adults can be attracted to the film because they might have grown up reading iron man comics and they want to see it become a film this apply's for teenage audiences and young adults however it appeals to teenagers most because the film contains alot of fast pace action and some clever puns put in where necessary which would appeal to older audiences as well, the typical gender would be male because it is normally males that read comics and men enjoy the fast pace storyline of the film, some girls may go see the film but it would mostly be male audiences. the stereotypical representation of soldiers in the opening 2 mins of iron man goes against the stereotypical view this is because the soldiers seem more relaxed and skinny rather than muscular and on edge this makes the viewer appeal more towards the soldiers and when they get killed the viewer is against the killers (the viewer thinks the soldiers as positive and the killers as negative). the main character is wearing a smart suit which shows that he has alot of money where as the soldiers are wearing uniform suggesting that they are there for him and because of the friendly talk  between them it shows the audience that the soldiers are there to protect him and not to guard him as there prisoner this also shows the audience that because he is being guarded that he must be very important and powerful and possibly rich. at the start the mood of the film is calm and relaxed and the main character acts like a cocky know it all and the soldiers treat him like a celebrity but once the bullets start firing he becomes scared and looks towards the soldiers for help and suddenly the mood swings to fast pace action which raises the tension which gets the viewer more into the film. the cocky approach makes the viewer warm towards that character because he is not too cocky that the viewer would hate him but just enough that it is funny.

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