Saturday 7 December 2013



inception is a crime thriller. the opening scene starts off in the middle of the film so that straight away the audience are interested in the film also the idea of the film is to confuse the audience which makes it feel as if the film is full of layers when actually its not so complicated this helps achieve that goal because the audience doesn't understand what is going on however it plays a important part in the film as a future reference which makes the audience feel like the film is a web of delicate layers which is really important towards the films story line and with out just one of those layers the story wouldn't make alot of sense but actually in reality when you over look the film it isn't really that complex that is why in the film the director will generally use medium and close up shots so the viewer does not lose interest in the film because for some people it can be very hard hitting and maybe to complicated. in the opening sequence the director uses diagetic sound to help set the scene so that he/she wont have to use a long shot which if used too often will lose the viewers interest in the film. the first thing the viewer sees in the film is the company that budgeted the film this means if the viewer likes a previous film made by this company then they might think that they might enjoy this film so it helps generate and audience for the film. the typical audience for inception would be teenagers and young adults this would be because the young adults and teenagers would manage to stay focused on the film and can follow the story line but for an older adult they might find it really hard to concentrate on the film and it may be a bit too complex for them and hard hitting. the general gender is male but women do go see the film as well. in the opening shot the lighting is bright and dreamy like this gives the impression that the main character is dreaming or is happy it also gives the audience the feeling that it isn't real this interests the viewer as they believe that it is an important part of the film and they don't want to miss it.
the first sequence of shots are mainly close ups of one particular character which straight away tells the audience that he is the main character. the audience can see that he has just been washed up on shore and the audience is confused as to how he got there this adds suspense to the film keeping the audience interested in how the film is going the play out. some long shots are used but not many only when the audience needs to see where the main character is in the scene. the audience can see its sunny and the main character is on a beach which suggests to the viewer that this was filmed in a exotic location. the main character is wearing a suit which suggests that he is a professional and he is rich it also shows that he has some class. when he is in a meeting with a colleague the lighting is coming in from the left lighting up the characters faces but not the whole scene this keeps the concentration of the audience on the characters which is important for later on in the story. at the beginning whilst the film productions came up there was non diagetic sound being played this gets the audience excited for the film.

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