Saturday 7 December 2013

James Bond quantum of solace

James bond- quantum of solace 

James bond quantum of solace is a action film at the beginning of the clip the camera shot is a wide long shot this sets the scene so the viewer knows where the film is based for this film it is a foreign country. the camera shots quickly switch between a wide long shot to a close up of a car this tells the viewer that the main character is in that car also because of the fast change of shots it makes the viewer feel like it is a fast pace action film. There is faint quiet music playing in the background which creates tension in the film allowing the viewer to guess that there is going to be a fast pace scene. The music however is not the dominant noise that you can hear during the opening scene the dominant noise is the car and the noise of the tyre squeal as the car slides this keeps the attention of the viewer on what is actually happening and giving them the sense of excitement as the chase goes on stopping the viewer from worrying about the location to much. most  of the shots during the chase are medium low angle shots of the actor driving the car this shows the audience that the man driving the car is the main character and the low angle shows that he has control of the situation and he is not panicking. the main character is wearing a suit showing that he is professional about his line of work and that he is experienced it also shows that he has class and elegance. after the car chase finishes the music becomes louder and more relaxed giving the impression that the chase is over then the music changes once again to a more cautious approach telling the audience that the main actor has escaped the bad guys but is hiding somewhere no one knows about. you can tell straight away that the other people in the chase are bad guys because they are trying to ram the main characters car off the road with there own cars whilst also shooting him which gives the impression that  they are trying to kill the main character. police officers join in with the chase half way through trying to prevent anyone from getting hurt whilst also trying to arrest all the people involved in the chase. you can tell that they are police officers because as they join in the chase they set police sirens off telling the audience straight away that they are police.
in the opening of the film it starts of with an extreme long shot across clear water towards a tunnel where there is a car chase going on, the long shot shows the audience that the film is based in a exotic location. the camera starts to go towards the tunnel and whilst it does the shots frequently change to close ups of part of the cars that are involved in the fast pace action chase and in some occasions there would be an extreme close up of a characters face or hand to show the tension build up with the characters. it is mainly close ups and the odd medium shot as the director wants the audience to feel like they are apart of the action as well. there is mostly non diagetic music being played in the background whilst the chase scene takes place the music has a fast beat to it and calms down slowly towards the end once James bond has escaped the music played makes the audience worried whilst the chase is taking place and also makes them relax after James bond has got away. there is also diagetic sound being played louder than the non diagetic sound and this is all the guns firing and the engines roaring as James bond trys to get away this makes the viewer feel like it is all going on around them which raises the tension between the audience and the film. the main actor is wearing a suit which suggests that he is a professional at what he does it also suggests to the audience that he is the main character. all the cars are chasing just one which also suggests to the audience the person in that car must be the main character making them rout for the person in that car to get away.

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