Saturday 7 December 2013


James bond- sky-fall 

the first shot the audience sees is a blurred picture with a man at the end of the hallway this creates tension because the viewer does not know who it is at the end of the hallway and for all they know it could be the bad guy/evil villain as well as the blurred picture the music in the background adds tension because at first there is no noise and then suddenly there is the loud music that comes in for a fraction of a second which makes the audience instantly think that something dramatic is about to happen in the film. the picture is blurred because the viewer fills in the blanks and assumes who it is and what he is doing this keeps the viewer interested in the film. the character steps into the light and becomes visible the character is also in the centre of the scene this shows the audience that he is the main character. the light comes in from the top left corner highlighting the character making him the main focus of the viewers attention. the character then pulls out his gun and the camera shot changes so the camera is following the character over the characters shoulders this makes the viewer think something is about to jump out and try to kill him as he walks through the door which in turn creates more tension. as soon as he pens the door the camera changes shots again to show the viewer the dead bodies in the flat this creates a bit more tension because the viewer is wondering who killed them and where is he/she now. the props around the flat/apartment are not what you generally find in a flat in England suggesting that the character is in a different country. the light in the apartment is coming from the windows and shining brightly on the dead body in the chair this grabs the audiences attention and gets them intrigued in what is going on and what is about to happen. as soon as the viewer See's the bodies music comes in faintly in the background creating tension with the audience the music suggests to the audience that a chase scene is about to begin.
the opening of the film starts with a long shot of the main character this is so the audience can straight away see who the main character is, the audience knows he is the main character because he is positioned in the middle of the shot giving him the overall attention of the viewer. the director has used focus pull on the first shot blurring out the whole shot to keep the audience interested on what is going to happen and the audience doesn't know for sure that is the main character James bond which keeps the suspense up.
the film starts off with a sudden non diagetic sound catching the viewer by surprise getting the tension up between the viewer and the film straight away this keeps the viewer interested and glued to the film then the music goes silent allowing the viewer to relax but then it changes to diagetic sound making the viewer feel like they are apart of the film getting them excited for what is about to happen in the film. the main character is wearing a suit whilst carrying a gun this suggests to the audience that he is killer but  is professional about it, it also suggests that he works for powerful people.

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