Saturday 7 December 2013

Indiana jones raiders of the lost ark

Indiana Jones 

Indiana Jones is an adventure film, in the back ground there was a steady music slowly increasing and as it increased so did the tension for example as he took the treasure the music increased and the tension did as-well this keeps the viewer excited and stuck constantly looking at the screen this is effective because the director wants to portray the character as the main character as well as telling the viewer what the characters role in the film is (e.g. archaeologist) this keeps the viewer intensely watching the film. the camera shot is a medium shot and the camera stays on the main character following him for every move he make the director has on purpose do this so that the viewer can easily see that he is the main character/hero also it allows the viewer to identify what actor is playing the main character for example the actor playing the main character in this film is Harrison ford  this grabs the attention of the viewers who are a fan of films Harrison ford has been in this is because they self consciously think that Harrison ford was in star wars and it was a huge success therefore Indiana Jones will be too so they will keep watching the film because there favourite actor is in it.
as tension builds in the opening scenes the camera zooms into Indiana's face showing the audience the surprise that character has when something dramatic happens in the film and the camera zooms out when the tension/ suspense has gone this notifies the audience that the danger has gone and that they can relax and because of this the viewer feels like they are apart of the film which makes the film look real from the viewers point of view, by including the viewer in the film (making them feel like the film if real) gets the viewer glued to the film and become unaware of what is going on around them.
most of the shot types in the opening of this film are medium shots with the occasional long shot to allow the viewer to identify where the main character is in the scene. The idea of the medium shots are so that the viewer doesn't feel too far away to the action that they cant get into the film (become board) but at the same time they don't feel too close to the action that the film then becomes a horror as it would scare the audience the medium shot is a perfect balance as it stops the viewer feeling too close or too far away from the action but the director cant just use medium shots as the audience will eventually become board so he has to mix in a few long shots and a few close up shots, the director would put the close up shots just before something happens in the film for example he used a close up on Indiana's face just before he tried to steal the artifact this raises the tension between the viewer and the film however if the director wants to break the tension that has been built for example just after Indiana stole the artifact because the director doesn't want the audience concentrating on Indiana Jones for too long the director would use a long shot allowing the viewer to take a break from all the tension and suspense built it also allows the viewer to establish where Indiana Jones is in the scene.
Indiana Jones relates to the stereotypical stereotype of a archaeologist he is a strong tall male and goes off on adventures, also what he is wearing is stereotypical to someone who is adventurous for example he wears a cowboy hat this suggests that Indiana Jones is American and is from Texas. the cowboy hate he wears sets him a side from the other characters in the scenes in the opening 2 mins as he is the only one wearing a hat this allows the audience to spot him out in the middle of a scene.
in the opening of Indiana Jones there is a lot of non diagetic sound in the background of the film this builds up the tension between the audience and the film notifying the audience that something dramatic is about to happen preparing them for the dramatic thing which in this case is Indiana Jones getting chased by a boulder. the sound goes away for a while then comes back loudly out of nowhere this is because the director wants the audience to feel like the dramatic thing has passed and there is no need to be worried but then when the second dramatic scene comes the viewer is not prepared for it so straight away the viewer is scared of what is about to happen in the film this builds the suspense up quickly saving a lot of time in the film for other shots and scenes.
the first scene is set somewhere dark and damp this suggests that it is underground as there is no natural light in the scene apart from a tiny bit. in the scene there are a lot of plants and there roots growing up the walls this suggests that the cave is not in a barren waste land but instead in a tropical land with a lot of rain and sun the dampness of the cave also shows that it rains a lot in the location of the scene it also suggests that they are underground as the rain is draining through the rocks where as if it was a building out side there would be more sunlight and the rain would drain off instead of having to go through the rocks. as the temple is made out of rock, is underground and rain soaks through the rock this gives the audience the impression the temple has been there a long time and the people that built it didn't have a lot of technology but were good with there hands.

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